Serving Others

Serving Others

Church, Community and Country

At UD, we are deeply committed to the transformative power of serving others. Rooted in the rich tradition of Catholic social teaching, University of Dallas is a faith-filled community where students, faculty and staff enjoy many opportunities to engage in charitable works of mercy to aid those in need, opportunities to serve the Church and serve our country through Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC).


Serving Our Community

Love for one's neighbor is a virtue students make manifest through many opportunities to serve those in need in Irving, in the wider Dallas-Fort Worth community, and beyond.

Since 1994, groups of UD students have been spending their annual rite of spring helping communities across the country while experiencing, discussing and understanding significant social issues through our Alternative Spring Break program. Learn more

The Barbara Bunch pairs UD students with children from the local Barbara Cardwell high school for one-on-one mentoring once a week. There's no need to teach academic materials, these kids just need someone to talk to and look up to. Contact Grace Stepek ( for more info! 

An annual day of service for the entire UD community to serve our neighbors in need in Irving. The Big Event was first started at Texas A&M in the late 1980s and has now spread across the nation to other universities. UD is proud to be continuing a legacy of collegiate community service through this event.

Campus Ministry offers a variety of activities and other ways for students to get involved in the University of Dallas community, including volunteer opportunities to serve those in need in the DFW community. Learn more

Actively practice your commitment to defending life from conception to natural death by joining Crusaders for Life, one of four clubs sponsored by Campus Ministry. Learn more
The Dallas Refugee Project is a student-run 501(c)3 non-profit, focused on serving Dallas refugees with empathy, understanding, and respect. Currently, the DRP is focused on its tutoring program, designed by college students for middle and high school refugee students in Dallas. Through a partnership with the International Rescue Committee (one of the 9 State-Department-approved resettlement agencies), the Dallas Refugee Project has a classroom in North Dallas! Email for more details and information on how to join!
Mission Youth inculcates an authentic Catholic missionary spirit among the student body through monthly charity and evangelization missions to the homeless people of the greater Dallas area and small group formation activities in preparation for the same. For more information, please contact Sharbel Habchy (
Rotaract is a coalition of service-oriented, young professionals devoted to the betterment of our community and development of leadership skills through student-led service projects. If you are interested in joining, please email



Church interior shot
A Catholic University pursues its objectives through its formation of an authentic human community animated by the spirit of Christ. As a result of this inspiration, the community is animated by a spirit of freedom and charity; it is characterized by mutual respect, sincere dialogue, and protection of the rights of individuals.
Pope St. John Paul II, Ex Corde Ecclessiae